
Gardar Eide Einarsson (born 1976, Oslo) lives and works in Tokyo, Japan. He received his education from National Academy of Fine Art in Bergen, Norway, Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Whitney ISP, New York, and Cooper Union School of Architecture, New York. 


"Gardar Eide Einarsson’s works commonly appear to be as motivated by humanism as they stem from cynicism. On the one hand, Einarsson’s artistic production has predominantly been addressing the utmost basic aspect of human condition: the concept of individual freedom and the various attempts at accomplishing that. On the other hand, these works present us with failed attempts. Even more so, they are mechanically measuring the distance between the ideals imagined and the results of fairly futile attempts. Adding to this cynicism is the very appearance of Einarsson’s works; muted, excerpted and always borne out of the same limited palette. While the viewer may recognize these objects as contingent – capable of conveying meaning – they are rarely apparently readable. The willing restraint of information gives these works the appearance of inept and provisional props – reenacting how things went wrong."


Excerpt from press release, "No Chaos, Damn It", STANDARD (OSLO), 2008



